Google December 2020 Core Update Is Now Live

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Google December 2020 Core Update Is Now Live

Nowadays Google announced it is rolling out a new core update and that is called Google Core Update or December 2020 core update. You can see Google has released a core Google algorithm update every few months in different ways. Google has a long history of different Core Updates. Google implements thousands of small changes every year.

The Core Updates affect a large number of websites or Keyword ranking also. The facts December 2020 core update started to roll out around 1:00 pm on Thursday, December 3. This was a global update like all Core Updates and was not specific to any region, language or category of web sites. It is called a classic “broad core update” that Google releases every few months.

The first one was the January 2020 core update and the second one was May 2020 core update and now this is the third core update of the 2020 year. Google Confirms this Core Algorithm Update. This update effect on some sites is reporting huge wins or Losses, like over 30% or more. Big Affect on sites because of this update.

Your Site ranking was maybe increased or decreased also because of the Google Core Algorithm Update. Unsurprisingly, the immediate response from the SEO community to the announcement of this Google Core Update is anxiety and panic. Please see this blog for more information about that

The vast majority of sites will remain unaffected by the change and the daily Visibility Index can help to identify changes.

You may also see data in Google Search Console. We need to continuously monitor movements across SERPs. This December 2020 Core Update. This one is big. The December 2020 update showed even more changes than the May update in some areas, especially in the top three results.

What Should We Expect from the 4th December Core Algorithm Update?

Google states that the core update is designed to weed out low-quality content and reward webmasters that have been vigilant in delivering valuable content for users.

What Can You Do to keep safe your sites with December 2020 Core Update?

We need to focus on some things for improving to increase organic visibility.

1. Deliver valuable and best content according to user expectations.

2. Compare your competitor’s sites to what type of content they added and try to add that type of content in your Blogs or Article.

3. Avoid Copy Content.

4. Add an informative title that describes your blog and adds information that is relevant to your topic.

5. Don’t add promotional content.

6. Take only one topic and don’t mix another topic.

7. Add that type of image that is simple to read and easily we can understand the topic.

8. Add quality content link in your blog or article.

9. Avoid writing a big paragraph only add 3 or 4 lines in one paragraph.

10. Always check your competitor’s site’s content for reference and analyze your content also.

Don’t worry about this Google Core Updates follow all things and increase your site ranking. It helps to improve your Result in a better way. For More Updates Visit Star Media Brands Digital Marketing Agency in Pune. 

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