Website development & designe

Website Design

Star Media Brands are the Website Design and Development Company in Pune. Has developed topmost level websites. we find new ways to market you digitally to join Star Media Brands Company.  A functional website gives visitors a positive perception of your brand, reputation, and impacts how your site will rank in terms of SEO (search engine optimization). Designing your website with user experience in mind has a noticeable impact on how you rank in search engines like Google, bing, yahoo, etc.

Why is Web Design so Important….?

Website Design is most important because it impacts how your audience perceives your brand. And leave your page and turn to a Competitor. A good Website Design help you keep your leads on your page. Though implementing these all things you can design attractive and best website.

Here are the five Elements to website Design 

  1. Content 
  2. Usability
  3. Aesthetics
  4. visibility
  5. Interaction

Website Development​


The Website Development process includes web design, web content development, client-side/ server-side scripting and network security configuration, among other tasks. Web developers use HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP & other programming languages to bring to life the design files.

Website Development refers to creating, and maintaining websites. It is include aspects such as web design, web publishing, web programming, and database management.

Benefits Of Website Development

The purpose of the website is to attract your customers to the business. The way to do this is to identify your customers who visit your site, to know their needs change

  1. Makes Navigation Easy
  2. Increasing Sales
  3. Attract Clients To Your Business
  4. Improving Engagement
  5. Streamlining The Brand
  6. Saving On Cost
  7. Allowing Ads On The Website
  8. E-Commerce

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