Twitter Is An Popular Social Networking Service

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Twitter Is An Popular Social Networking Service

Twitter is a popular social networking service on which we post and interact with messages known as “tweets”. Twitter is an excellent channel for sharing brand updates, latest news & Posting on a variety of topics. Twitter is the best source just like Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin for what’s happening in the world to give information to peoples about anything.

Why use Twitter so see below points:-

Easily promote your research, for example by providing links to your blog stories, journal articles and news items or your important things.
It is quite popular, more among some groups (politicians, journalists, tech people).
Reach new audiences seek feedback about your work and give feedback to others.
Twitter is the place where you can share your heart out.
Express world who you are as a person.
Reach a large number of people quickly & easily through tweets and retweets.
Follow and observe the work of other experts in your field.
Build strong relationships with experts and other followers.
Keep up-to-date with the latest news and developments, and share it with others instantly.
You can add Interactive and attractive Images of your work & of your Interests adding a short description with that image helps to get more Engagements and Likes on your Tweets.

which things we can tweet so see below..

Thoughts on any topics conferences you attend.
Detail information about new publications or resources you’ve produced.
Links to any blog or article posts you’ve written.
News items that feature your research.
Interesting news items you’ve found & Interesting photographs.
Ask Questions to invite feedback.

Now, let’s have a look at how you can bring more followers.

Set up a Twitter profile image with a keyword, a link to your website and an image that represents your brand.
Promote your Twitter profile.
Stay always active on Twitter with regular retweets, replies and favorites things.
Find an appropriate time to post your tweets to increase retweets and followers.
Get found more followers by following more people.
Increase engagement by mentioning other people in your tweets.
Analyze how your competitors work.
Follow popular and best twitter influencers who belong to your industry.
Use attractive or informational images and videos while tweeting.
Use Twitter ads to promote your products and services.