Learn About The Google Algorithm Updates

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Learn About The Google Algorithm Updates

Google is an Internet-related service and you can easily Search the world’s information, including webpages, images, videos, and more on Google.
You can find quick answers related to your question. Google’s algorithms are a complex system but very useful to the world. Google algorithms play an important role. Suppose you are given any query or input. Depending on your query or given input for anything searched on Google. The search engine returns results for inputted queries.

How an Algorithm could affect your business so see below points:

Web traffic volatility
Rankings & search visibility fluctuations
User behavior
Return on investment (ROI)
Now we can see How to analyze the effects of algorithm updates to your business:

Monitor your Google Analytics account to examine your traffic from each source and Correlate any traffic changes with potential updates from Google. Analyze specific page performance like traffic, impressions, keywords and rankings. Google’s algorithm does the work for you by finding out Web pages that contain the keywords, then assigning a rank to each page based on several factors. With the help of the Google algorithm, we can see how many times the keywords appear on the page.

There are three important reasons every website owner should care about Google Algorithm Updates:

Check algorithm updates happen all the time because Google has released multiple algorithm updates every day.
Keep in mind Algorithm Updates could Tank your Traffic and Rankings.
Algorithm Updates Can Have Positive Benefits for Your Site. Take the Panda update for example.

Google Algorithm Updates:-

Panda Update
Launch date: February 24, 2011
Penguin Update
Launch date: April 24, 2012
Google Hummingbird
Launch date: August 22, 2013
Pigeon Update
Launch date: July 24, 2014 (US),
December 22, 2014 (UK, Canada, Australia)
Launch date: April 21, 2015
Launch date: October 26, 2015
Launch date: September 1, 2016
Launch date: March 8, 2017

what are the Hazards of these updates:


Duplicate content
user-generated spam
keyword stuffing
plagiarized or thin content
Low-quality content


Spammy or irrelevant links
links with over-optimized anchor text


Keyword stuffing
low-quality content


Poor on and off-page SEO


Lack of a mobile version of the page
poor mobile usability


Lack of query-specific relevance features
shallow content
poor UX


Tense competition in your target location


Thin, affiliate-heavy or ad-centered content