Coronavirus Disease

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Coronavirus Disease

We can see the Symptoms

• cough
• fever
• tiredness
• difficulty breathing (severe cases)

We will definitely overcome Covid-19 So concentrate on this point…

Don’t forget to wash your hands regularly for 15 seconds, with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub.
Always Cover your nose and mouth with a disposable tissue or flexed elbow when you cough or sneeze.
Be careful Avoid close contact (1 meter or 3 feet) with people who are unwell.
Be safe Stay home and self-isolate from others in the household if you feel unwell.
Be strong to fight against coronavirus. Take care of yourself always don’t neglect this disease.
Stay at home take rest and sleep. Try to keep a warm place where are you stay. Drink plenty of liquids & stay healthy.
Use a room humidifier or take a hot shower to help ease a sore throat and cough. Contact doctors & take him advice.

Coronavirus is spreading fast globally and causing COVID-19 disease. Let’s stay strong & fight the #COVID19 outbreak by taking all precautionary measures. Stay Safe, Be Vigilant & most importantly remember, Prevention is better than cure. Please Take Care Everyone.

Marketing in Automotives after Covid-19

The automotive industry which was already under slowdown has been grappled with another shock i.e. of Covid-19. In its initial days of Covid-19, it was thought to be limited up to Chinas Wuhan City but as the days have passed it has spread like anything and affected all the industry that exists on this planet. The automotive industry all over the world needs to be shut including all its individual segments. All of the OEM’s like Ford, GM, Toyota, and MSIL have closed their plants one after the other shutting at all the locations worldwide. This will result in a steep down in the sales volume.

During this bad phase of the industry and of individual lives, it has been observed that people have started using digital channels for the services which are traditionally consumed in physical ways for example consulting the doctors for some basic health issues. The automotive industry especially OEMs have also started using this digital channel to demonstrate the new launches through mobiles ads and demonstration of the vehicles. Thanks to technologies like video advertising, 3D images helped a lot in achieving the success of digital advertising a lot to the industry.

5 Ways Digital is Transforming the Car Buying Experience | DMI
But there is a long way to go for digital marketing in the automotive industry. The industry has to make buyers aware of using such technologies and make them hands-on with using the tools to view the demos. This will ultimately increase the confidence of the buyers. The dealers of the OEM’s should train their staffs to learn and make aware to their customers about this digital vehicle demonstration. Some of the dealers have arrived to demonstrate the VIRTUAL SHOWROOM concept. This concept has resulted in completely transforming the buying experience of the consumer. It is projected that in near future around 20% of vehicles will be sold online.